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GUHRING - Инструмент для стоматологии - 2010 EN
для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru
Your competent partner for highly accurate production of dental prosthesis
Guhring‘s DF 100 dental milling cutter - your advantages at a glance
• e fficient tooling solutions perfectly adapted for • low production costs thanks to full use of the
your application and machine machine potential
• the optimal tool for your specific application • o ptimal and reliable quality for a certain
• maximum speed for short machining times production
• m aximum tool life for increased productivity
For more than 100 years, Guhring has been a reliable and Optimising tools - an example
competent partner for all industries requiring highest machining The diamond-coated DF 100 dental milling cutter for the
accuracy and quality. They include the automotive, aerospace, machining of zirconium, for example, shows the advantages
machine-building and micro-machining industries as well as the resulting from an optimal tool design. Whilst in the left picture
medical industry. the coarse structure of the carbide as well as the coating and
the resulting rough surface quality can clearly be recognised,
To satisfy the high demands of our customers, Guhring has the picture on the right shows the perfect, fine structure as
at its disposal the development and manufacturing expertise well as the interface between the Guhring carbide and the
for tool materials, coatings, tool geometries and production Guhring diamond coating for an especially smooth surface
plants. This ensures that we can always supply our customers finish offering long tool life.
with the optimal tool for their specific application - either from
our standard tool range or as an individually designed special
Furthermore, the equipment in our research and development
centre is also available to customers for analysing their
manufacturing process, i.e. for metallurgical material analyses,
REM-examinations of surface structures, thermal imaging
during the machining process or machining trials in our test
Thanks to the world-wide presence with production and
service centres as well as own distribution companies in every
continent, Guhring is also internationally positioned to provide
made-to-measure solutions for customer machining tasks all
over the world.
Tools for the dental industry
For fundamental applications in dental technology we have
introduced a standard range of DF 100 dental milling cutters for
various open and closed CAD/CAM systems. Details regarding
the design and the sizes available at short notice can be found
on the opposite page.
We gladly provide special solutions to customer specifications,
i.e. adapting dimensions, tool material and coating to the
customer‘s machine and to the material to be machined to
optimise the economic efficiency.Please contact us!