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GUHRING - Концевые фрезы - 2013 EN

QDQR6L® stands up to
                                                   the most abrasive applications. The oxidation, or maximum useful operating
                                                   temperature, is over 1,470 F, which is similar to high temperature coatings
                                                   such as FIREX® or TiAlN.

                                                   Test results in milling inconel have shown a 35% increase in tool life compared
                                                   to a comparable TiAlN based multi-layer coating using the same operating
                                                   parameters. Similar results were found when machining cast iron and hardened
                                                   steels over 52HRc.

                                                   No other coating can provide this high hardness property while still
                                                   retaining the toughness required in drilling and milling applications.

106                                                              guhring@guhring-tools.ru