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GUHRING - Концевые фрезы - 2013 EN
для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru
GF 300 B and GF 300 T: Ball nose and Torus end mills
for high performance milling in materials < 62 HRC
The die and mold industry places ever higher demands
on milling cutters – primarily with regard to accuracy and
tool life. Therefore, Guhring’s cutting tool program now
includes radius milling cutters that are perfectly adapted
to satisfy these demands and provide optimal machining
results thanks to application orientated geometries,
carbide grades and coatings.The advantages are especially
high form and contour accuracy of the workpiece, minimal
wear and therefore excellent tool life.
Reduced neck ground The special features of Guhring’s ball nose milling cutters
for collision reduction are:
outside diameter and the radius is ground in one-pass
sradius point geometry with constant helix-radius-
reduced neck ground for collision reduction with protruding
High wear protection thanks to radius Standard radiusWidth of wear in mm
geometry with constant rake angle and Guhring’s seamless radius geometry
continuous spiral. 0,20
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
Tool life in m
Wear comparison:
Guhring’s seamless radius geometry reduces wear and provides a
considerably longer tool life in comparison with tools ground with
conventional full radius.
Material Alloyed up to 180 HB 30 Stainless Aluminium Ti-special H
Steel Cast iron steel alloys
Tool Steel
over 180 HB 30
Hardness up to 28HRc up to 28 HRc up to 3% Si Ti-based up to 52 HRC
tensile over 28 HRc over 28 HRc over 3% Si Ni-based over 52 HRC
Seamless radius area provides high GF 500 s s s s s s s s s
form and contour accuracy. GF 300 s ss ssss
110 s = optimal suitability s = limited suitability