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GUHRING - Концевые фрезы - 2013 EN

                                                                   для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru

GF 500 HSC Trace Milling Cutters with ball nose or Torus form -

GF 500 HSC (High Speed Cutting) trace milling cutters are suit-             The new web thinning form provides optimal chip evacuation
able for all roughing, nishing as well as ne nishing opera-              as well as stability. In addition, the extremely close tolerances
tions under HSC conditions in the mould and die industry. The               on radius and diameter ensure a very high contour accuracy on
range of application includes all general steels as well as high-           the workpiece, improving tool life considerably. A completely
alloyed steels but also hardened materials from 40 to 54 HRC.               new grinding process produces considerably smoother cutting
                                                                            edges and utes and also results in a clear increase in tool life.
                                                                            GF 500 B HSC ball nose trace milling cutters and GF 500T HSC-
                                                                            trace milling cutters withTorus form are both available with dif-
                                                                            ferent lengths. The combination of the new geometries with
                                                                            reinforced shanks as well as reduced neck diameters allows
                                                                            extremely high feed rates and also provides high rigidity and
                                                                            optimal collision protection even for increased cutting depths.

                               Straight reach                               Advantages at a glance:
     Reduced neck ground                                                    sCLOSERADIUSTOLERANCES
     for collision reduction.                                               sRADIUSGRINDWITHCONSTANTHELIXCORRECTION

     High stability and        Conical reach                                Optimal wear protection thanks      Seamless radius area provides high
     extreme reach.                     Long reach even at oblique angles.  to radius grind with constant rake  form and contour accuracy.
                                                                            angle and continuous helix.

                                                                                                                 Standard radiusWidth of wear in mm
                                                                                                                 Guhring’s seamless radius geometry
114                                                                                                     0,20




                                                                                                             0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
                                                                                                                                                Tool life in m

                                                                                             Pic. 1: Wear comparison
                                                                                             Guhring’s seamless radius geometry reduces wear and provides a
                                                                                             considerably longer tool life in comparison with tools ground with
                                                                                             conventional full radius.
