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GUHRING - Навигатор по режимам резания - 2010 EN

                                      для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru

                                                Interchangeable inserts

                         Tool material            K            Carbide             K/P           • for through holes supporting lands must remain in perma-
                        Carbide grade           2747              K/P             2485             nent contact.
                        Surface finish
                                                                  1047                           • for 7 x D, centering is recommended with similar point
                           Guhring no.                                                             angle of 140°, or larger, to min. 2/3 cutting edge diameter.

                                                                                                 • interrupted cutting (grooves, transverse holes) is not
                                                                                                   recommended without prior tests. For interrupted cutting
                                                                                                   (max. 0.2xD) it is recommended to reduce the feed rate
                                                                                                   whenever possible.

                                                                                                 • in contrast to conventional indexable inserts,
                                                                                                   RT 800 is also suitable for the drilling of stacked sheets.

                                                                                                 • when replacing the inserts, it is recommended to also
                                                                                                   replace the original clamping screw with the included poly-
                                                                                                   amide coated screw.

                                especially for    cast iron,             general
                                machining of     aluminium                steels
                                                and Al-alloys

Tool holder                                                                 5D                                           7D

            Cooling                                               Cooling                                        Cooling
           Guh. no.             5242                             Guh. no.                  5243                 Guh. no.             5248

with interchange-                                     with interchange-                              with interchange-
   able inserts:                                         able inserts:                                  able inserts:

    m/vmc in         Feed col.                                 m/vmc in         Feed col.            m/vmc in             Feed col.
                         no.                                                        no.                                       no.
    100 130          6                                            80     125 6                       90 120               5
    85 110           5                                            95     105 5                       80 105               4
    100 130          7                                            80     125 7                       90 120               6
    85 110           6                                            95     105 6                       80 105               5
    100 130          6                                            90     125 6                       90 120               5
    95 125           6                                            80     120 6                       85 110               5
    85 110           5                                            80     105 5                       75 100               4
    85 110           6                                            65     105 6                       75 100               5
    70 90            5                                            95     85 5                        65 85                4
    100 130          7                                            80     125 7                       90 120               6
    85 110           6                                            55     105 6                       75 100               5
    55 70            4                                            80     70 4                        55 70                4
                                                                  55     105 5
    80 105           5                                            40     70 4                        80 105               4
                                                                  35     55 5
    55 70            4                                            40     50 4                        55 70                3
                                                                  35     55 3
    40 55            5                                            40     50 2                        40 55                4
                                                                  30     55 3
    35 50            4                                            25     40 3                        35 50                3
                                                                  20     35 3
    40 55            3                                                   25 2                        40 55                2

    35 50            2                                                                               35 50                2

    40 55            3                                                                               40 55                2

    30 40            3                                                                               30 40                2

    25 35            3                                                                               25 35                2

    20 25            2                                                                               20 25                1

          20 25      2                                          20 25          2                               20 25      1
100 160 210          7                                90 150 195               7                     90 150 195           6
80 120 155           7                                70 110 145               7                     70 110 145           6
80 120 155           7                                70 110 145               7                     70 110 145           6
70 100 130           6                                60 90 120                6                     60 90 120            5
10 25 35             2                                10 25 35                 2                     10 25 35             2
                     3                                                         3                                          2
          30 40      2                                          30 40          2                               30 40      1
          25 35      7                                          25 35          7                               25 35      6
200 220 290          7                                180 200 260              7                     180 200 260          6
180 200 260          7                                180 200 260              7                     180 200 260          6
150 180 235          7                                140 170 220              7                     140 170 220          6
120 150 195          7                                110 140 180              7                     110 140 180          6
180 200 260          6                                180 200 260              6                     180 200 260          
70 80 105            7                                70 80 105                7                     70 80 105            6
180 210 270          6                                180 210 270              6                     180 210 270          5
120 140 180          6                                120 140 180              6                     120 140 180          5
70 80 105            6                                70 80 105                6                     70 80 105            5
50 65 85             6                                50 65 85                 6                     50 65 85             5
45 50 65             5                                45 50 65                 5                     45 50 65             4
35 40 55             5                                35 40 55                 5                     35 40 55             4
50 80 105            5                                50 80 105                5                     50 80 105            4
50 80 105            5                                50 80 105                5                     50 80 105            4
50 80 105            5                                50 80 105                5                     50 80 105            4
50 80 105                                             50 80 105                                      50 80 105

    bright                      steam tempered                 nitrided lands              nitrided  golden brown                    TiAlN

18                                                             guhring@guhring-tools.ru