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GUHRING - Навигатор по режимам резания - 2010 EN

                         для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru

Tools with bold feed column no. are preferred choice.

Pilot holes are always necessary for drilling depths over 7 x D:
1. The pilot hole can be produced with a short, rigid drill. The diameter should be

   0.01 - 0.02 mm larger than the diameter of the Ratio drill. Drilling depth  1 x D.
2. Alternatively, the Ratio Drills can produce their own pilot hole. Cutting speed

   and feed rate must therefore be reduced by 30-40%.
3. A coolant pressure of 40 bar is recommended.
For safety reasons it is very important, that a drill does
not exceed a speed of n = 6 000 rev./min when not supported.
The centrifugal forces could break these long tools before
reaching the workpiece surface!

   Drill     1       2        3     Feed column no.              7        8       9     Cooling:
    mm                                456                                                    without coolant ducts
             0.004   0.006    0.007                              0.014    0.016   0.019      with coolant ducts
     0.50    0.006   0.008    0.012         f (mm/rev.)          0.020    0.023   0.025
     1.00    0.020   0.025    0.032                              0.080    0.100   0.125  Coolant:
     2.00    0.025   0.032    0.040  0.008    0.010      0.012   0.100    0.125   0.160      Air
     2.50    0.032   0.040    0.050  0.014    0.016      0.018   0.125    0.160   0.160      Neat oil
     3.15    0.040   0.050    0.063  0.040    0.050      0.063   0.160    0.200   0.200      Soluble oil
     4.00    0.040   0.050    0.063  0.050    0.063      0.080   0.160    0.200   0.250
     5.00    0.050   0.063    0.080  0.063    0.080      0.100   0.200    0.250   0.315  Cutting direction:
     6.30    0.063   0.080    0.100  0.080    0.100      0.125   0.250    0.315   0.315      right-hand cutting
     8.00    0.080   0.100    0.125  0.080    0.100      0.125   0.315    0.400   0.400
   10.00     0.080   0.100    0.125  0.100    0.125      0.160   0.315    0.400   0.500  	L left-hand cutting
   12.50     0.100   0.125    0.160  0.125    0.160      0.200   0.400    0.500   0.630
   16.00     0.125   0.160    0.200  0.160    0.200      0.250   0.500    0.630   0.630
   20.00     0.160   0.200    0.250  0.160    0.200      0.250   0.630    0.800   0.800
   25.00     0.160   0.200    0.250  0.200    0.250      0.315   0.630    0.800   1.000
   31.50     0.200   0.250    0.315  0.250    0.315      0.400   0.800    1.000   1.250
   40.00     0.250   0.310    0.400  0.315    0.400      0.500   1.000    1.250   1.250
   50.00     0.315   0.400    0.500  0.315    0.400      0.500   1.250    1.600   1.600
   63.00     0.400   0.500    0.630  0.400    0.500      0.630   1.600    1.600   2.000
   80.00                             0.500    0.630      0.800
                                     0.630    0.800      1.000
                                     0.800    1.000      1.250

Material group                Material examples, new description (old description in brackets)                 Tensile str. Hard-         Cool-
                              Figures in bold = material no. to DIN EN                                         MPa (N/mm2) ness           ant

Common structural steels      1.0035 S185(St33),1.0486 P275N(StE285),1.0345 P235GH(H1),1.0425 P265GH(H2)       500
                              1.0050 E295 (St50-2), 1.0070 E360 (St70-2), 1.8937 P500NH (WStE500)
Free-cutting steels           1.0718 11SMnPb30 (9SMnPb28), 1.0736 11SMn37 (9SMn36)                             850-1000

                              1.0727 46S20 (45S20), 1.0728 (60S20), 1.0757 46SPb20 (45SPb20)                    700
Unalloyed heat-treatable steels 1.0402 C22, 1.1178 C30E (Ck30)                                                 850-1000

                              1.0503 C45, 1.1191 C45E (Ck45)                                                   850-1000
                              1.0601 C60, 1.1221 C60E (Ck60)                                                   750
Alloyed heat-treatable steels 1.5131 50MnSi4, 1.7003 38Cr2, 1.7030 28Cr4                                       1000-1200

                              1.5710 36NiCr6, 1.7035 41Cr4, 1.7225 42CrMo4                                     850-1000
Unalloyed case hardened steels 1.0301 (C10), 1.1121 C10E (Ck10)
Alloyed case hardened steels 1.7043 38Cr4                                                                      >850-1000
                              1.5752 15NiCr13, 1.7131 16MnCr5, 1.7264 20CrMo5
                                                                                                                                 330 HB
Nitriding steels              1.8504 34CrAl6                                                                   850
                              1.8519 31CrMoV9, 1.8550 34CrAlNi7                                                850

Tool steels                   1.1750 C75W, 1.2067 102Cr6, 1.2307 29CrMoV9                                                    40-48 HRC
                                                                                                                             >48-60 HRC
                              1.2080 X210Cr12, 1.2083 X42Cr13, 1.2419 105WCr6, 1.2767 X45NiCrMo4               1200

High speed steels             1.3243 S 6-5-2-5, 1.3343 S 6-5-2, 1.3344 S 6-5-3                                                   240 HB
                                                                                                                                 <300 HB
Spring steels                 1.5026 55Si7, 1.7176 55Cr3, 1.8159 51CrV4 (51CrV4)
                                                                                                                                 220 HB
Stainless steels, sulphured   1.4005 X12CrS13, 1.4104 X14CrMoS17, 1.4105 X6CrMoS17, 1.4305 X8CrNiS18-9                           <300 HB

                  austenitic  1.4301 X5CrNi18-10 (V2A), 1.4541 X6CrNiTi18-10, 1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (V4A)  800-1000
                  martensitic 1.4057 X20CrNi 17 2 (X17CrNi16-2), 1.4122 X39CrMo17-1, 1.4521 X2CrMoTi18-2
                                                                                                                                 240 HB
Hardened steels               –                                                                                                  <300 HB
                                                                                                                                 350 HB
Special alloys                Nimonic, Inconel, Monel, Hastelloy                                               850
Cast iron                     0.6010 EN-GJL-100(GG10), 0.6020 EN-GJL-200(GG20)                                 >850-1200
                              0.6025 EN-GJL-250(GG25), 0.6035 EN-GJL-350(GG35)                                 400
New ast materials CGI        EN-GJV250 (GGV25), EN-GJV350 (GGV35)                                             450
                              EN-GJV400 (GGV40), EN-GJV500 (GGV50), SiMo 6                                     600
New cast materials ADI        EN-GJS-800-8 (ADI800), EN-GJS-1000-5 (ADI1000)                                   600
                              EN-GJS-1200-2 (ADI1200), EN-GJS-1400-1 (ADI1400)                                 450
Spheroidal graphite iron and  0.7050 EN-GJS-500-7(GGG50), 0.8035 EN-GJMW-350-4(GTW35)                          400
malleable cast iron           0.7070 EN-GJS-700-2(GGG70), 0.8170 EN-GJMB-700-2(GTS70)                          600
Chilled cast iron             –                                                                                600
Ti and Ti-alloys              3.7024 Ti99,5, 3.7114 TiAl5Sn2,5, 3.7124 TiCu2
                              3.7154 TiAl6Zr5, 3.7165 TiAl6V4, 3.7184 TiAl4Mo4Sn2,5, - TiAl8Mo1V1              600
Aluminium and Al-alloys       3.0255 Al99,5, 3.2315 AlMgSi1, 3.3515 AlMg1                                      >600-850
Al wrought alloys             3.0615 AlMgSiPb, 3.1325 AlCuMg1, 3.3245 AlMg3Si, 3.4365 AlZnMgCu1,5
Al cast alloys  10 % Si      3.2131 G-AlSi5Cu1, 3.2153 G-AlSi7Cu3, 3.2573 G-AlSi9                             850
                              3.2581 G-AlSi12, 3.2583 G-AlSi12Cu, - G-AlSi12CuNiMg                             >850-1000
                   > 10 % Si  3.5200 MgMn2, 3.5812.05 G-MgAl8Zn1, 3.5612.05 G-MgAl6Zn1
Magnesium alloys              2.0070 SE-Cu, 2.1020 CuSn6, 2.1096 G-CuSn5ZnPb
Copper, low-alloyed           2.0380 CuZn39Pb2, 2.0401 CuZn39Pb3, 2.0410 CuZn43Pb2
Brass, short-chipping         2.0250 CuZn20, 2.0280 CuZn33, 2.0332 CuZn37Pb0,5
                              2.1090 CuSn7ZnPb, 2.1170 CuPb5Sn5, 2.1176 CuPb10Sn
         long-chipping        2.0790 CuNi18Zn19Pb
Bronze, short-chipping        2.0916 CuAl5, 2.0960 CuAl9Mn, 2.1050 CuSn10
                              2.0980 CuAl11Ni, 2.1247 CuBe2
Bronze, long-chipping

5                                             guhring@guhring-tools.ru