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GUHRING - RT100T - Спиральные сверла для обработки глубоких отверстий - 2007 EN

                                                             для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru

RT 100 T – ex-stock range

Available ex-stock now:The spiral-                 Problem-free swarf                                          Wear resistant cutting edges
flute deep hole drill RT 100T.The                  The factors described above – in com-                       Thanks to theTiAlN-tip coating (Fig. 4)
program includes standard drills for               bination with the cutting parameters                        the cutting edges, that are exposed to
drilling depths up to 20 x D, 25 x D               optimally adapted to the application                        maximum forces, are protected
and 30 x D.The RT 100 T ex-stock                   task – result in chips that are evacua-                     against wear.
range offers an outstanding cost-per-              ted problem-free even from deep
formance-ratio as well as availability.            holes. Chip congestion and a subse-
Moreover, the RT 100T drills permit                quent jamming of the tool is effective-
highest cutting and feed rates and                 ly prevented. (fig. 3)
subsequently achieve a considerable
reduction in machining time.                       Ultimate cost-efficiency:
                                                   Applied on machining centres, where the drilling operation is a time relevant criterion, RT 100T can
These advantages are achieved thanks               display its superiority. Its high feed rates lead to a shorter production time, its long tool life reduces
to the following attributes:                       the number of tool changes.

Optimised flute geometry                                                                      Production cost
The spiral-flute deep hole drills
possess a special flute geometry that                                      machining example: drilling oil holes in crankshafts
is optimised to the specific demand                           2500,00
for optimal chip evacuation from the
deep hole. (fig. 1)                                Cost in €  2000,00                                          Machine costs
                                                              1500,00                                          Tool costs

Maximised coolant duct profile                                500,00   Conventional deep                       Deep hole drilling
To provide the cutting edge with an                              0,00      hole drilling                             RT 100T
optimum coolant supply, the tools
possess a maximised coolant duct                                                                               Machining times
profile. It ensures an effecient coolant
supply to the cutting edge as well as
excellent chip evacuation. (fig. 2)

                                                                                                         100%  Its time saving advan-
                                                                                                               tages provide:
                                                                                                               •	 Reduced investment
                                                                                                               •	 Increased output
                                                                                                               •	 Reduced lead times
                                                                                                               •	 Preserving resources
                                                                                                                Clear advantages over

                                                                                                                  the competition

                                                                       Convent. deep                                 10%
                                                                        hole drilling                          Deep hole dril-

                                                                                                                ling RT 100T

Fig. 1: Optimised flute geometry for optimal chip  Fig. 2: Maximised coolant duct                              Fig. 3: Problem-free chips preventing chip conge-
evacuation.                                        profile for effective cooling/lubrication.                  stion and jamming of the tool.

2 RT 100T
