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HOLLFELDER - Основной каталог - 2013 EN

                                                   для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru

Application recommendations

                                                     Milling cutters

Power consumption for face milling cutters

Guide values in order to determine the necessary power for Hollfelder-Ghring face milling cutters

Steel, low-alloyed and tempereed                             Steel, low-alloyed and tempereed

   D = 63 z = 8 vc = 80                                         D = 125 z = 15 vc = 80

     P Power (KW)  234                                       P Power (KW)      23 4
12                          ap axial depth of cut (mm)  12                              ap axial depth of cut (mm)
11                                                      11
10                                                      10
 9                                                       9
 8                                                       8
 7                                                       7
 6                                                       6
 5                                                       5
 4                                                       4
 3                                                       3
 2                                                       2
 1                                                       0

    01                                                     01

   fz = 0,08       ae /  D = 0,8  ae /  D = 0,5
   fz = 0,12

General formula list

Formula and abbreviations                               Calculation of:
                                                        Cutting speed
¬$ Milling cutter                 [mm]                 Number of revolutions  vc  =¬¬¬¬$¬.        .  n
ap axial depth of cut              [mm]                 Feed rate                         1000
ae Width of cut                    [mm]                 Feed rate per tooth
vc Cutting speed                   [m/min]              Processing time        n   =  vc . 1000
n Numbers of revolutions - S       [min-1]              Rate of metal removal          ¬$¬. 
                                                        Required drive power
z Number of teeth                  [mm]                                        vf = fz . n . z
fz Feed rate per tooth             [mm]                                        fz =    vf
vf Feed rate                       [min]                                              n.z
Lm Machining length                [cm3/min]
Tc Machining time                  [N/mm2]                                     Tc =   Lm
Q Rate of metal removal            [kW]                                                vf

kc Specic cutting force                                                       Q=     ap . ae . vf
P Necessary power                                                                       1000
 Efciency factor
                                                                               P   =  ap . ae . vf . kc
                                                                                       60 . 106 . 

