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GUHRING - RT100R - Сверла для обработки чугуна со сферической заточкой - 2008 EN
для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru Made by Guhring
Ratio drill type RT 100 R
New materials require new tooling wall thicknesses whilst keeping the New:
solutions. As an innovative tool output of the engine the same. Sub- Standard range 5 x D and 7 x D
manufacturer, Guhring has always sequently, the automotive indus- Now the wear resistant solid carbide
followed this concept and is reacting try is demanding tools from tool drill is available as a standard item
to the increasing application of CGI manufacturers that can economi- in the ExclusiveLine range. The two
(cast iron with compacted graphite cally machine these new materials. standard drills are 5 x D and 7 x D
iron) and ADI (austempered ductile Conventional drills have so far not with internal cooling and are suita-
iron) in the automotive industry with achieved satisfactory results. ble for a wide range of applications.
the new Ratio drill type RT 100 R. However, they offer ex-stock availa-
Guhring has therefore developed bility and reasonable prices.
High tensile strength is the new Ratio drill type RT 100 R.
exceptionally demanding Thanks to its patented radius point Furthermore the RT 100 R is availa-
CGI and ADI offer high tensile geometry it offers highest perfor- ble as a special tool with or without
strengths, i.e. making it possible to mance and economic efficiency for internal cooling to fit your specific
increase the output of an engine the machining of the new mate- application. Guhring can, for exam-
whilst keeping the wall thickness rials. With its unique balance of face ple, provide application orientated
of the engine block the same or to contour and flute profile it pro- coatings or even modify the design
reduce the weight through thinner vides rigidity, dimensional accuracy of a step drill. For the special tool
and process reliability. request form please see page 7.
Powerful in common cast materials Our recommendation:
The new radius point geometry offers The RT 100 R drills are especially
more than machining of CGI and suited for machining under minimal
ADI. It is also recommended for the quantity lubrication conditions. With
machining of common cast materials MQL we recommend a tool design
such as grey cast iron, spheroidal with conical shank end and the ap-
graphite and malleable cast iron. plication of Guhring‘s MQL screw
and components. Please contact
our technical service department for
more information.
Selected machining results with RT 100 R drills
Diameter 16 17
Coating FIRE Super A
Material GGG50 GGG40
Drilling depth (mm) 20 50
Cooling IK IK
Lubricant neat oil soluble oil
vc [m/min] 120 160
f [mm/rev.] 0,5 0,6
Tool life [m] 615 305
2 guhring@guhring-tools.ru