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GUHRING - RT100R - Сверла для обработки чугуна со сферической заточкой - 2008 EN

                                                                  для размещения заказа - guhring@guhring-tools.ru                   Made by Guhring

Ratio drill type RT 100 R

Convincing:                              not been reached by far – a clear                                                           A minimum tool life of at least 120 m
Minimal wear in benchmark test           indication of the high economic effi-                                                       was expected to be achieved in the
                                         ciency and process reliability of RT                                                        test. The step drill type RT 100 R had
The performance capacity of the new      100 R (diagram 1).                                                                          definitely not reached the end of its
RT 100 R was very impressively prov-     Tool life testing:                                                                          tool life after 214 m and showed an
en in two benchmark tests carried out    In the second test, a step drill type RT                                                    even wear pattern (diagram 3). Fur-
for the automotive industry. The drill   100 R, FIRE-coated in the diameters                                                         thermore, it was the only drill in the
was convincing thanks to having the      14.5 or 20.0 mm respectively with 45°                                                       test that kept the coating at the lead-
lowest wear and the highest process      chamfer was examined in GGV40.                                                              ing land intact for its entire tool life.
reliability in comparison to the other   The drilling depth was 70 mm, the                                                           In a second test the RT 100 R fared
tools tested.                            cutting rates were vc = 70 m/min and                                                        even better!
In the first test, PTW Darmstadt deter-  f = 0.3 mm/rev.. The tool had internal
mined the wear of the tool by mea-       cooling with 50 bar.                                                                        holes
suring the width of wear at the cut-                                                                                                 5000
ting edge following 100 m tool life                                                           0                                      4500
travel. With a width of wear of only                                                                                                 3900
0.196 mm, RT 100 R showed the least                                                                                                  3300
sign of wear (diagram 2).                                                                                                            2700
PTW compared drills of 5.0 mm diam-                                                                                                  2100
eter with a drilling depth of 20 mm in                                                                                               1500
GGV450 as well as high pressure
internal cooling of 65 bar in the test.                                                                                               900
The cutting rates were vc = 80 m/min.                                                                                                 300
and f = 0.2 mm/rev.
In addition, PTW also determined                                                                                                     100 200                  300
the development of the outer corner                                                                                                            Wear Vb in mm
wear in order to receive a predic-
tion regarding the expected final tool
life figure. Even after 5000 holes the
outer corner wear showed a consis-
tent low wear of the tool, reason to
believe that the end of tool life had

                                                                   Diagram 1:
                                                                   Development of the outer corner wear regarding to tool life

0.55                                                                                                                                 1.0
0.50                                                                                                                                 0.8 Competitor 2
0.45                                                                                                                                 0.6 Competitor 2
Width of wear Vb (mm)                                                                                                                0.5
                                                                                                              Width of wear Vb (mm)0.400.4
0.35                                                                                                                                 0.2 Type RT 100 R
0.25 	 1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	 RT 100 R
0.20                                                                                                                                           	 12.7	 25.4	 38.1	 50.8	 88.9	 114.3	 190.5	 215.9

0.15                    Competitor                                                                                                                                           Tool life in m



            Development of outer corner wear VB in µm

Diagram 2:                                                         Diagram 3:
                                                                   Wear of face at a FIRE coated drill
Width of wear after 100 m tool life: IXION BAZ 325                 type RT 100 R
High pressure int. cooling 65 bar	 vc = 80 m/min; f = 0.2 mm/rev.
d = 5.0 mm; t = 20 mm	  Test at PTW

                                                       guhring@guhring-tools.ru                                                                                                                     3